Individual Design Gym in Maplewood, MO

Learn to Exercise for Longevity

" Feel Good in Your Genes " - Genetics Gym

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Getting Started Is Easy


Set up a Discovery Call with a Coach

A 1:1 phone conversation to get you know you and your intentions with exercise.


Get an Assessment

Get a Body Scan plus Movement assessment to meet you at your capabilites.


Complete your RX workouts and results will happen

Getting to the gym is harder than the actual work, sometimes. No one ever said I wish I didn't come to the gym, AFTER they complete their workout.


Building consistent habits gains traction to achieving any health goal.


Increase your exercise intelligence by learning with a Coach.


Specific design crafted with you in mind for your movement adventure.

One Day at a time

Hey there, Coach Mike here. So what do I know about fitness ? Pretty much that there are no rules. What does that mean ? It means freedom to learn how to train your body in ways that benefit YOU and your current life state. The coolest part is that can be solo or with a coach. As we age goals change, except as long as possible and with high quality.  My approach with the help of my clients is to give quality exercise programs that  yield high long term rewards.  My belief this can be masterfully done through Individual Design. The best way to describe ID, is when you are given a workout from me ( after assessment ) I am specifically thinking of you when creating this exercise program. Very very few gym can say that about a program that is given to them and that's ok, its just my niche and what I like to offer, it might not be right for everyone, but I have built a professional career out of it.  Ready to have a conversation about learning what ID can do for you?
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Keep Moving for LonG term Success

Outdoor Fitness Area

Easy Scheduling

Individualized Fitness Programming

(Select Location)

Conveniently located just off Sutton Blvd on Railroad across from the tracks

3235 Sutton Blvd, Maplewood, MO, 63143

Working out at the gym isn't easy. But getting there shouldn't be hard. Genetics Gym is located and easily accessible from all of Maplewood.

Trusted and Loved By Hundreds of Maplewood, MO Residents

Questions? We have the answers!

The hardest step is always the first step. It's time to act!